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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 37, Issue 2, pp. 343-683

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Lack of Compactness in Two-Scale Convergence

Marc Briane and Juan Casado-Díaz

pp. 343-346

Universal Bounds on Coarsening Rates for Mean-Field Models of Phase Transitions

Shibin Dai and Robert L. Pego

pp. 347-371

On a Hele--Shaw-Type Domain Evolution with Convected Surface Energy Density

Matthias Günther and Georg Prokert

pp. 372-410

Limits of Solutions of p-Laplace Equations as p Goes to Infinity and Related Variational Problems

Hitoshi Ishii and Paola Loreti

pp. 411-437

A Generalized Energy Functional for Plane Couette Flow

R. Kaiser, A. Tilgner, and W. von Wahl

pp. 438-454

Wriggled Lamellar Solutions and Their Stability in the Diblock Copolymer Problem

Xiaofeng Ren and Juncheng Wei

pp. 455-489

Large Solutions for a System of Elliptic Equations Arising from Fluid Dynamics

J. I. Díaz, M. Lazzo, and P. G. Schmidt

pp. 490-513

A Model for the Optimal Planning of an Urban Area

Giuseppe Buttazzo and Filippo Santambrogio

pp. 514-530

Steady States for a Coagulation-Fragmentation Equation with Volume Scattering

Philippe Laurençot and Christoph Walker

pp. 531-548

Microlocal Dispersive Smoothing for the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation

Jérémie Szeftel

pp. 549-597

Existence, Uniqueness, and Variational Methods for Scattering by Unbounded Rough Surfaces

Simon N. Chandler-Wilde and Peter Monk

pp. 598-618

Weak Sequential Stability of the Set of Admissible Variational Solutions to the Navier--Stokes--Fourier System

Eduard Feireisl and Antonín Novotný

pp. 619-650

Existence, Uniqueness, and Regularity Results for Piezoelectric Systems

D. Mercier and S. Nicaise

pp. 651-672

Application of the Realization of Homogeneous Sobolev Spaces to Navier--Stokes

Lorenzo Brandolese

pp. 673-683